Inside Out with Juli Stratton

"Living Out Loud" with Kai Van Keith (a discussion of gender and sexuality)

Today's guest is Kai Van Keith, trans advocate, activist and educator.  Kai will share part of her journey to living in her authentic gender and sexuality and will dig into some of the  nuances of gender and sexuality.   Below is a list of transgender specific resources and general resources on gender and sexuality.

Trans Lifeline is a non-profit dedicated to the well-being of transgender people. The hotline is staffed by transgender people for transgender people.   This is a FREE helpline run by volunteers and supported by the community.
US: (877) 565-8860 & Canada: (877) 330-6366

Gender Spectrum works to create gender sensitive and inclusive environments for all children and teens.   Their website is filled with education, concepts of gender and sexuality, on-line programs and groups and other useful resources.

The Trevor Project Coming Out Handbook for LGBTQ Young People is designed to help young people explore their identity, what it might be like to share that identity with others, and tools and guiding questions to help them think about what coming out means to them.

The National Center for Transgender Equality is a national social justice organization devoted to ending discrimination and violence against transgender people. They provide education, advocacy, and resources on national issues of importance to transgender people including self-help guides for various aspects of transitioning, “Know Your Rights” guides and resources to improve understanding of the transgender experience.

For more LGBTQ+ resources visit the North Idaho Pride Alliance website: